
Refractive error and amblyopia among primary school children in remote islands of East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia

Publication date

September 01, 2024


The Medical Journal of Malaysia


H J Wardati, W Karimmah, M Khadijah, M Ahmad-Sharmizi, W Y Wan-Julyatee, A S Ain-Nasyrah, M Shahidatul-Adha, H Waheeda-Azwa, K S Ng, H S Jesspreet-Kaur, N A Abdullah, H Hanizasurana, I Shatriah


Wardati, H. J. W., Karimmah, W., Khadijah, M., Ahmad-Sharmizi, M., Wan-Julyatee , W. Y., Ain-Nasyrah, A. S., et al. (2024). Refractive error and amblyopia among primary school children in remote islands of East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 79(5).
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